Peace in Kurdistan Campaign for a political solution of the Kurdish Question issued a statement to mark Newroz.
The statement says: “Newroz comes this year at a time of the most acute tension and crisis when the Kurdish people are demonstrating their fortitude and resilience in confronting the most repressive Turkish regime in modern times.
The Kurds are waging a historic struggle for all humanity. They have stood in the front-line against the ISIS terror gangs who in their utter ruthlessness had become a menace and scourge of humanity.”
The statement recalls how “the past year has therefore not all been one of trial and distress. We will not forget the great victory on the field of battle with the eradication of the ISiS Caliphate - a historic gain that has been achieved by the courageous Kurdish men and women fighters who in risking life and limb inspired the world. Their victory against the murderous ideology of ISIS is clearly an occasion for great celebration.
But the Kurds know only too well where the true roots of ISIS terrorism lies; it is barely disguised in the extremist politics of Erdogan who from every platform and pulpit preaches the same ideology of hatred and conflict whose ultimate purpose is to maintain himself in power.”
Peace in Kurdistan adds: “As with all dictators, the Erdogan regime thrives on hate and, driven by his own ego and self-worth, he is hurtling the country on a journey headlong to disaster.
While Ankara's merciless policy of war, victimisation of the Kurds and pursuit of social conflict is so obviously heading Turkey towards total disaster it is all the more outrageous that our own political leaders have been so slow to speak out.
Their silence and timidity in the face of all the atrocities carried out in the name of Erdogan's Islamist brand of Turkish xenophobia over the years is absolutely shocking and deplorable.”
The statement adds: “Awareness of this abject failure of the International community to oppose Erdogan's megalomania demands huge efforts of solidarity action in defence and support of the Kurds and their just struggle.
Newroz is a time of renewal and, in response, we are obliged to renew our efforts in solidarity until the day of victory arrives.
The Kurds have now been deprived of their leader for twenty years; however, despite the total isolation of Abdullah Ocalan, the Kurds remain steadfast in their loyalty to his inspirational leadership and continue to follow his ideas of liberation and radical democracy.”
To end its remarks Peace in Kurdistan “salute Leyla Guven and the hundreds of valiant Kurdish men and women who are currently on hunger strike in a bid to end the isolation and win the freedom of Ocalan.
We salute the courage and sacrifice of all those Kurds who have suffered extreme discrimination, violence, torture and arrest in pursuit of their beliefs and struggle for freedom and justice. It is one of the great political struggles for social justice and national self-determination of the modern age.”