Petition for Afrin submitted to the government in Switzerland
Thousands of signatures were collected in Switzerland in a petition to stop the invasion attacks in Afrin. The petition has been submitted to the government.
Thousands of signatures were collected in Switzerland in a petition to stop the invasion attacks in Afrin. The petition has been submitted to the government.
The petition has gathered over 6.200 signatures, and the campaign led by the Greens youth, council members and activists called on the federal government to take action. The petition demands the federal government run an economic and diplomatic campaign for the civilian population in Afrin and Syria.
Campaigner Greens Youth Co-chair Luzian Franzini said, “Switzerland must condemn the Turkish invasion in Syria.”
The signatories have announced that they have reached over 6.000 signatures in the short time of one month. The petition was supported by the Greens Youth and MPs from the Greens, the Socialist Party, the CVP and the FDP.
The signatories also demand an immediate stop to weapons exports to the Arabian Peninsula and call for a no-fly zone for the security of Northern Syria.
Franzini said, “Switzerland, the birthplace of the Geneva Convention, should not remain inactive and silent in the face of this invasion and human rights violations. Afrin should not turn into another Aleppo.”
The leading signatories in the campaign are:
Luzian Franzini (Co-Präsident Junge Grüne Schweiz); Ilias Panchard (Stadtrat, Lausanne) ; Christiane Perregaux (Professeure honoraire UniGE) ; Ueli Leuenberger (alt Nationalrat) ; Luca Schalbetter (Vorstand Kommunistische Jugend Schweiz) ; Mathias Reynard (Nationalrat) ; Erica Deuber Ziegler (Historikerin, alt Kantonsrätin Genf) ; Jean Ziegler (alt Nationalrat, Vizepräsident des Beratenden Ausschusses des UNO- Menschenrechtsrates) ; Carlo Sommaruga (Nationalrat) ; Lisa Mazzone (Nationalrätin) ; Laurent Wehrli (Nationalrat) ; David Payot (Municipal) ; Josef Lang (alt Nationalrat, Historiker) ; Balthasar Glättli (Nationalrat) ; Maja Haus, Co-Präsidentin Junge Grüne Schweiz ; Tommy Vercetti (Rapper) ; Liliane Maury Pasquier (Ständerätin, Mitglieder der Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates).