Pınar Sakık Tekin : Even in disasters there is discrimination

DEM Party Amed Provincial co-chair Pınar Sakık Tekin said that the state, which responded inadequately to the fire after 12 hours, made a distinction even in disasters.

Describing the fire that occurred on the border of Amed and Mardin as a "disaster", DEM Party Amed Provincial co-chair Pınar Sakık Tekin told ANF: "The only responsible for the fire is DEDAŞ itself."

The fire that broke out on the night of June 20 in Şemrex (Mazıdağı) affected a 66-kilometer area covering the villages of Kelekê, Dirînê, Tobînî and Herberê. 15 people died, and 78 people were injured in the fire. Witnesses said that the fire started with sparks released by friction in the wires on one of the transmission lines that were not maintained or repaired in the village of Tobînî in the Çinar district.

The reports of the institutions and the preliminary examination of the prosecutor's office confirmed this. Diyarbakır Governorship's claim that the fire was caused by stubble burning, which would protect DEDAŞ, was not confirmed by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Münir Karaloğlu.

Pınar Sakık Tekin said: "This disaster occurred due to negligence and imprudence. We rushed to the aid of our people with all our structures, stood by them, and shared their pain. The pain of our people is our pain."

DEDAŞ ignored warnings and complaints

Sakık Tekin said: "We cannot call these events fate. The state cannot get out of the situation by blaming the people. Unfortunately, we experienced this disaster due to the imprudence and negligence of Dicle Electricity Distribution Inc. (DEDAŞ). They ignored the complaints of our people. Their actions caused these disasters to occur. It is unacceptable that they did not take into account the demands and complaints of the people despite all the warnings."

The state did not respond to the disaster

Sakık Tekin said: "We saw in the earthquake that the state responded after 36 hours. Now, it tries to provide an answer to this fire disaster after 12 hours, but it was not a sufficient answer. Of course, such an insensitive approach of the state to these events, especially in the Kurdistan geography, makes us think. Even in disasters, there is discrimination. When it comes to Kurds and Kurdistan, we cannot see any support from the state."