Police attacks Taksim Square early morning
Police attacks Taksim Square early morning
Police attacks Taksim Square early morning
After the Governor Of Istanbul, Hüseyin Avni Mutlu, said on his official twitter account that security forces would intervene in Taksim Square today, only to remove the banners hanged on AKM, police attacked the people in the square with tear gas and pressure water early Tuesday morning.
Before the attack, police warned protestors to leave the square, saying that they wouldn't intervene in the Gezi Park area. Clashes broke out as some groups responded to the attack which came soon after the police announcement.
Police also attacked the protestors in the capital city Ankara late Monday. Clashes between protestors and police intensified in the area of Tunalı Hilmi street and lasted till midnight. Protestors said yesterday's attack has been the severest one demonstrators have suffered since protests began in the capital where tens of thousands have taken to the streets in solidarity with the Taksim resistance. The central Kızılay Square, the meeting point of protestors, has witnessed severe clashes in the last one week.