Protests against Turkish attacks held in Nancy and Marignan

Protests against the invasion and genocide attacks carried out by the Turkish state and its mercenary allies against North East Syria continue.

Protests were held in Marignan and Nancy against the genocidal attacks of the Turkish state and its mercenaries against North and East Syria.


A protest was held in Place Maginot in Nancy. The silence of European countries also protested.

SOLIDAIRES, the PCF, the CGT, France Insoumis the Ecole Emancips joined the action that was attended by a large crowd of Kurds and French people. 

Activists commended Kobane and reminded that today all over the world people are organising a resistance day.


In Marignan, Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (TCŞ) activists and internationalists joined the march organised within the framework of 'nehele' initiative.

Activists saluted the World Resistance Day for Rojava and marched to the Marignan Municipality.