Second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates launched
The second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates to liberate Raqqa has been launched.
The second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates to liberate Raqqa has been launched.
Operation Wrath of Euphrates Action Room Spokesperson Cîhan Şêx Ehmed spoke on the intention to clear the western part of Raqqa from gangs and to lay siege to the city in the operation. Ehmed said the civilian administration will be carried out by the people of Raqqa following the liberation of the city.
Ehmed read the declaration and stated that in the second stage of the operation, the western part of the city will be cleared off gangs and they will lay siege to the city.
The press statement is as follows:
“The first stage of Operation Wrath of Euphrates has been successfully completed. A 700 square kilometer region covering villages, towns and several strategic areas have been liberated and the line of defense for the ISIS gangs to the north of Raqqa has been broken. Our forces have opened secure paths and achieved safe passage to liberated zones for thousands of civilians.
In the latest meeting of the SDF, it has been decided to move on to the second stage of the operation. The goal in this stage is to achieve a siege to the west of the city. 1150 Raqqan Arab fighters trained by the International Coalition will take part in the operation including the Dêrezor Military Council, Teyyar El-Xed El-Sûrî’ye El Nuxbe Forces and new armed forces under Siwar El-Reqa Brigade.
Our coordination with the International Coalition forces also continues. This coordination will be actualized in a stronger manner in the second stage of the operation and it will be carried out with a more result-oriented effort.
On the other hand, following the liberation of the city, it will be ensured that a civilian administration including all sections of society will carry out their duties.
Our call for the people of Raqqa is to stay away from regions with ISIS gangs’ presence until our forces liberate them.
We wholeheartedly thank the people and the clans of Raqqa for aiding us throughout the operation and warmly welcoming us.
We wish for the continued support of our people during the operation and support in clearing Raqqa from ISIS gangs.”