Sick prisoner forced to 'travel to death'

Sick prisoner forced to 'travel to death'

Sick prisoner Burcu Koçlu has been jailed in Şakran Women's Prison in the western province of İzmir since she was detained in the scope of Gezi Park operations on 31 May.

Myastenia gravis disease patient Koçlu said in a letter she sent to ANF that she is being denied treatment by the prison administration.

Remarking that her disease is advancing more and more every day, Gezi prisoner Koçlu says that the Myasthenia crisis she suffers from requires emergency medical response.

The woman points out that the denial of treatment will cause her death as she continues to be imprisoned in a jail kilometers away from the Ege University Hospital where -she says- her disease has been followed up for the last five years, adding that she needs to see her doctor regularly in order to get the chance to prevent the advancement of her disease.

Koçlu tells that she doesn't have the chance to follow a zero sugar diet either, pointing out that she is not being able to see a delegation -the prison administration lays down as a condition for the diet- because she has to travel for three-four hours in a very small ring vehicle, with her hands handcuffed, to reach the hospital. “To me, this would be a “travel to death” for I will have to receive immediate treatment after my arms remain still in the same position for hours”, she says.

Koçlu adds that she is coming closer to the point of a myasthenia crisis every day because of the denial of her right to treatment as well as the psychological pressure and arbitrary practices she is being subjected to in prison.

Koçlu, remarking that her disease was diagnosed in 2008, continues saying that; “I have a report confirming that I am 52 percent disabled. The most recent blood tests I have taken concluded that my body is resisting treatment. This increases the risk of my disease”.

Warning that her disease is greatly influenced by her conditions in the daily life and could be terminal, Koçlu says that “The mindset which has left hundreds of ill prisoners to death so far has deemed me also worthy of the same fate”.

Koçlu ended her letter by demanding freedom for all ill prisoners currently being held in Turkish jails.