Solidarity to children in Rojava from Swedish students

Students from a school in Märsta, Stockholm, made bracelets to sell in solidarity with children in Rojava.

According to a local news published in Mä students from Märsta Tingvallaskolan school  made bracelets to sell in solidarity with children who suffer from the war in Northern and Eastern Syria.

Teacher Shara Hassan said in a statement to the newspaper that he activity was part of the "Children's Books Week" iniatitive. Together with the school library the children will hold a reading festival.

Hassan said: "Another activity within the Week had to do with solidarity and core values, and the students made beautiful bracelets with 'peace in the world' written on them. We will sell these bracelets and send the money to children who are suffering from war in Northern Syria."

Students made 130 bracelets. Hassan said that if there is demand, they would continue to make these objects, and added that buyers will be able to donate whatever amount of money they want.

The proceeds from the sale will be delivered to Heyva Sor before the Christmas holidays.

"We talked a lot about what is happening in Syria - said Hassan - and we want to help children."