Students detained at protest against president Erdoğan’s targeting of young people
Students protested president Erdoğan’s targeting of young people, which led to the detention of 4 people. The police detained at least 5 more students.
Students protested president Erdoğan’s targeting of young people, which led to the detention of 4 people. The police detained at least 5 more students.
After the AKP's Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan labelled Boğaziçi University students who resisted the trustee rector "terrorists", 4 young students whose names could not be learned from Boğaziçi University were detained.
A crowd of students gathered in front of the South Campus of the university to protest the detentions and condemn Erdoğan’s targeting of young people.
After the march, the students said they would hold a sit-in until their detained friends were released.
Not long after, the police blockaded the area and detained at least 5 more students whose names could not be learned.
It has been learned that some of the 9 detainees were taken to the Vatan Security Directorate, but it is not known where the other students were taken.