Swedish Left Party: Sanction should be imposed on Turkey

Swedish Left Party Foreign Policy Spokesperson Hans Linde demanded that the agreement made between Turkey and the European Union on refugees be cancelled and Turkey's EU membership negotiations be ceased.

Swedish Left Party Foreign Policy Spokesperson Hans Linde stated that the current silence must be broken and sanction must be imposed on Turkey in the face of the severe violations of human rights and freedom of expression following the coup attempt of July 15.

Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström said in an interview to Swedish State Radio Ekot Service that the course of the developments in Turkey is totally unacceptable, stressing that both the European Union and the United Nations should manifest strong reaction against the current developments in Turkey.

Commenting on the Foreign Minister's remarks, Linde said these words should be put into practice and concrete steps must be taken with regards to the situation in Turkey.

Linde demanded that the agreement made between Turkey and the European Union on refugees be cancelled and Turkey's EU membership negotiations be ceased.

Wallström, evaluating Left Party's proposal for sanction on Turkey for the Swedish News Agency TT, remarked that different methods should be used and dialogue with Turkey should be sustained in the first place. Wallström said; "Sanctions should be a part of a major policy or strategy to be pursued towards a country. Sanction cannot be a beginning for steps to be taken on such a matter."

Karin Engström, Foreign Policy Spokesperson of the main opposition Moderate Party, on the other hand stated that the developments in Turkey were negative and worrisome, but saying that they do not side with sanctions in the current phase.

The Christian Democrats Party in Sweden also supports the proposal for the imposition of sanction on Turkey. The party spokesperson Sofia Damm said they were of the opinion that Sweden must undertake an active role within the EU in the determination of the measures to be taken against Turkey.