Syrian regime advances in Idlib

The Syrian regime has taken over 11 towns to the west of Idlib while reports say Al Nusra-HTS (Hayat Tahrir Al Sham) withdrew from most of these villages without resistance.

The Syrian regime took over 11 towns to the west of Idlib today in aerial and ground operations. Local sources say the regime advanced with intense bombing from the air and the ground and Al Nusra withdrew from the towns without resistance.

According to ANF’s sources, the regime forces used close to a thousand bombs to clear the area of Al Nusra gangs.

The areas taken over by the regime are:

Kefer Nubude

Qal-et Madiq

Tel Idris

Tel Hosh

El Keraket

Tel Osman

El Toniya-El Osman

Saxir El Bani

Al Cenebire

Al Sawami

El Shariyet


It remains to be seen whether Al Nusra withdrew from the area in accordance with a deal between Turkey and Al Nusra under Russia’s guide or are engaging in a tactic to pull their forces to mountainous areas and areas with Turkey-allied opposition groups to spread the battle through those areas.

On May 2, Al Nusra attacked the Hymemim Airbase in Latakia in the morning and at night with grand missiles and drones. Russian and regime jets had carried out the most intense bombing of the last 15 months and the bilateral missile and artillery fire continued for several days. During that time, ANF’s sources reported that a meeting was held between Al Nusra and a Turkish army officer in Bab on April 30, but Turkey couldn’t convince Al Nusra to withdraw.

The Syrian army has been trying to advance on land under cover from 3 days of intense aerial bombings. Yesterday, the regime took over the Kefer Nubulah town around noon. Later the Hurras Al Deen gangs retook the town with their suicide attacks but the regime managed to take it one last time yesterday evening.