Teachers from Kobanê visit DTK

Teachers from Kobanê visiting the DTK (Democratic Society Congress) in Amed said they would soon reopen schools in the war-ravaged city.

Teachers from Kobanê visiting the DTK (Democratic Society Congress) in Amed said they would soon reopen schools in the city.

Teachers from Kobanê are visiting Amed in connection with World Mother Tomgue Day, 21 February. The teachers met İrfan Babaoğlu, and Mehmet Çeliker from the DTK Language Commission, DTK executive Saliha Aydeniz and Seydi Fırat from the DTK Peoples and Beliefs Commission.

Babaoğlu, from the DTK’s Language Commission, said: "We have two schools in Amed where students receive education in the mother tongue. We hope such schools will soon open in Kobanê as reconstruction gets underway.” Saliha Aydeniz saluted the victory in Kobanê and said it had also been a victory for North Kurdistan. She added the victory had been achieved through the resistance and struggle of women.


The teachers thanked the DTK for the warm welcome they had received, They added that due to the conflict in Kobanê they were unable to provide education at present, but that they were teaching their students in camps in Suruç. “We have 3,000 students in Suruç, and around 70 teachers are providing them with an education,” they said.