Tens of thousands bid farewell to Rojhat Özdel

Tens of thousands bid farewell to Rojhat Özdel

18-year-old Rojhat Özdel who was killed by police in Yüksekova district of Hakkari Saturday was laid to rest in his hometown late yesterday.

Özdel lost his life after he was critically injured as police opened fire on demonstrators marking the anniversary of the murder of M. Reşit İşbilir, Veysel İşbilir and Bemal Tokçu who had been killed by police in the wake of the demolition of a guerrillas cemetery on 6-7 December 2013.

A convoy of hundreds of vehicles accompanied the youth on his way to the Akalın (Bajêrge) Cemetery after his body was brought from Malatya where an autopsy was performed at the Forensic Medicine Institution.

HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) Hakkari deputies Adil Zozanî and Esat Canan, executives of the HDP and BDP Hakkari and district organizations, mayors and representatives of NGOs were among tens of thousands who were present at the cemetery to bid farewell to Rojhat.

Özdel was buried near the grave of Reşit and Veysel İşbilir who had also been killed by police on the very same day last year.

Speaking here, HDP MP Adil Zozanî pointed out that police killed Rojhat despite having the opportunity to capture him alive, adding; "It is not us, it was not 17-year-old Rojhat who disturbs the public peace the Prime Minister is talking about. It is the state itself that disturbs the public peace."

Zozanî urged Prime Minister Davutoğlu ile the Ministry of the Interior to disclose the perpetrators, also calling on the Parliamentary Commission for Human Rights to urgently come to Yüksekova and to make an examination on-site.

Rojhat's uncle Abdulhaluk Özdel who spoke on behalf of the family thanked those attending the funeral, saying; "Rojhat is a martyr of not our family but of Gever, Kurdistan and Kobanê. He was captured alive and executed, not killed."