Thousands in Zurich say no to Turkish occupation of Rojava

The occupation attacks and the massacres against the civilian population carried out by the invading Turkish state and its mercenaries in North East Syria were protested in Zurich.

Hundreds of people gathered in Rathausbrücke square to join the demo promoted by Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger, Jinen Ciwanên Azad and IDGB (Swiss Union of Democratic Forces).

Activists marched behind a banner saying "We will not allow the occupation of the territory of Rojava".

 Activists chanted slogans against the Turkish state occupation attacks and in support of the resistance in Rojava.

The march reached Helvetiaplatz and here CDK Switzerland representative, Ali Şimşek, KCDK-E representative Demir Çelik and PYD Switzerland representative addressed the rally.

The speakers emphasized that the main aim of the invasion attacks and civilian massacres carried out by AKP / MHP fascism and dictator Erdoğan was to end with Kurds in Rojava.