Thousands of voters travel from Istanbul to Kurdistan
HDP’s Mobile Voters Commission sent thousands of voters to their hometowns in Kurdistan so they can vote.
HDP’s Mobile Voters Commission sent thousands of voters to their hometowns in Kurdistan so they can vote.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) arranged 129 buses in Istanbul Bakirkoy’s neighborhood marketplace so voters who are registered in Kurdistan can vote in the elections to be held tomorrow. Voters registered in Van, Mardin, Amed, Mus and other provinces started to come in the morning, and the buses will continue until the election. Voters dance and chant HDP slogans and election songs as they wait.
The voters are headed home to take back their will confiscated by the trustees, and they are certain they will prevail.
Istanbul HDP Provincial Organization Co-spokesperson Gonul Karaman said they lost the election by a very slim margin and that they now prioritize cities with appointed trustees. The party issues frequent announcements on social media channels as well.
Karaman said the Mobile Voters Commission has worked meticulously to reach voters to win more municipalities than the ones seized by trustees. Karaman added that there is a spokesperson in every district: “We divided every region into 3 to form commissions. We determined the workers, students and seasonal workers. We issued calls for them to reach out to province and district organizations. We had aimed to reach 3.000 voters, and for now we are sending some 2.000 voters home. Our people had great interest, and great proposals to ‘take back what is ours and say Ya Me Ye’.”
Amine Mari: “I’m from Mardin, and I study in Istanbul. I’m going to Mardin to vote. I am a citizen of this country. The people there need my vote. This is a good project and it is what should be. I support the project as I am an HDP voter.”
Molla Sancar: “I am going to Van. I’m going against the isolation and the trustees, and for my freedom. I am going to take back our municipality. I am a worker here. There is isolation and a trustee in my home town. I have been here for 7 months. My children are back home. I came to make a living, but now I am going to Van for my freedom, for my vote.”
Zeki Cakmaz: “I am from Igdir. We are going to Igdir to give our party another great victory. It is important to vote, for fraternity, for peace, for freedom. I will travel 1600 km. But every vote counts. The pressure is on. Everybody should vote. Everybody should defend their vote.”
Mehmet Huseyin Ipek: “I’m from Gevas, Van. I live in Istanbul now but I’m registered in Van. I’m going to vote so our party can win. We will take Gevas. In the last election our party lost by 6 votes, but this time we will win by 600. I will go back after we win.”
Ridvan Altay: “I am registered in Van, so I’m going so our party will prevail. I’m going for the freedom of my people. My call as a voter is: Everybody should vote.”
Nalan Yildiz: “We are going to Van to vote. I would go anywhere.”
Asya Yildiz: “I will vote for the HDP.”