Thousands protest the PKK ban in Hannover

Masses joined a demonstration in protest at the PKK ban in the German city of Hannover on Saturday.

Hannover Democratic Kurdish Society Center and Kurdish Youth's Movement organized a march condemning the ban on Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Hannover city on Saturday. The demo was also supported by German protestors and many democratic mass organizations from Celle, Nienburg and Walsrode.

Demonstrators demanding an end to the PKK ban in place in Germany for 23 years gathered at the Schilli Diekmann Platz and hanged a huge PKK flag on a high building on their route.

The mass had a break in front of the Turkish Embassy where a statement on behalf of NAV-DEM (Democratic Kurdish Society Center in Germany) called attention to the historic process the freedom struggle of the Kurdish people is being through.

Tahir Köçer representing NAV-DEM said the followings, addressing the diplomats in the Turkish Embassy: "Those inside who are following dictator Erdoğan! The Turkish state faces the risk of destruction due to the disproportionate atrocity executed by Erdoğan against the Kurdish people."

Demonstrators later continued their march, holding banners condemning the PKK ban and the arrest of HDP's elected representatives by the Turkish state, in addition to the posters of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, and flags of YPG, YPJ, HDP, PYD and other Kurdish organizations.

Protestors also chanted "Dictator Erdoğan", "Murderer Erdoğan", "Biji Serok Apo" and "Biji PKK".

The march was followed by a rally in Steintor Square where speeches were held by representatives of NAV-DEM, German Left Party (Die Linke), ATİK and Êzidî Society.
