Three cities in Switzerland celebrated World Kobanê Day
Demonstrations were held in Zurich, Wintherthur and Biel in Switzerland to mark 1 November, World Kobanê Day.
Demonstrations were held in Zurich, Wintherthur and Biel in Switzerland to mark 1 November, World Kobanê Day.
Demonstrations were held in Zurich, Wintherthur and Biel in Switzerland to mark 1 November, World Kobanê Day.
Promoted by the RiseUp4Rojeva initiative, an event was organized in Helvetiaplatz to mark World Kobanê Day. The demo was joined by a large crowd.
After a minute silence in memory of the martyrs of the struggle for revolution and freedom, a documentary showing the struggle of Kurdish women and internationalist fighters against ISIS during the Kobanê resistance was shown.
Following the documentary, activists marched towards the city center protesting against the invasion carried out by the Turkish state and its mercenaries in North East Syria and the massacres of the civilian population.
In the city of Winthertur Kurds and their friends gathered in Steinberggasse and held a march to mark 1 November, World Kobanê Day.
Activists chanted slogans against the Turkish aggression of Northern and Eastern Syria marched to Obare Graben square.
In the city of Biel, the film "Les filles du soleil" was screened at the Democratic Kurdistan Community Centre as a tribute to the revolution and resistance in Kobanê.