Turkish soldiers attack Roboski families at the border
Turkish soldiers attack Roboski families at the border
Turkish soldiers attack Roboski families at the border
The families of 34 civilians who were killed in the bombardment by Turkish aircraft on 28 December 2011 at the border with the Federal Kurdistan region, have headed for the border area where the massacre took place in order to commemorate those who died under the slogan “We don’t accept the borders”.
The people of Roboski marched to the point where the massacre took place carrying carnations in their hands accompanied by DBP and HDP executives and a large number of people.
When the crowd reached the point where the massacre took place, they were faced with soldiers who had been deployed there. The soldiers attacked the crowd, firing pepper gas canisters.
The families first dispersed in order to save themselves from the intense gas, but have gathered again and defended themselves by pelting the soldiers with stones. The attacks of the soldiers continue.