Two-day sit-in against isolation launched in front of the UN in Geneva

A two-day sit-in protest was launched in Geneva, Switzerland, to demand an end to the isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and to ensure his freedom.

A two-day sit-in was launched in Geneva, Switzerland, to remind the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and international organisations, including the Council of Europe (CoE) and the United Nations (UN), of their responsibilities in the face of the isolation imposed on the Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan who is held in İmralı Island Prison in Turkey and has not been heard from for 41 months.

A sit-in protest was staged on Tuesday in front of the UN Office, where statements were made on behalf of the Kurdish activists partaking in the action.

Pointing to the 25 years of isolation conditions imposed on Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, İbrahim Yüksel, Co-Chair of the Geneva Democratic Kurdish Community Centre, said: "The isolation policy against our leader has reached the dimensions of torture in a state of complete incommunicado for the last 41 months."

Emphasising that these isolation policies are unacceptable to the Kurdish people and their friends, Yüksel continued: "The main addressees of the isolation policies are the CPT, the CoE, the UN and the international organisations. In order to condemn the silence of these institutions that turn a deaf ear and play three monkeys in the face of the demands of the Kurdish people, we, as Kurdish people living in the diaspora, started a 3-day sit-in in dozens of centres in Europe yesterday."

Stating that they delivered files regarding the isolation and occupation attempts in South Kurdistan to the Swiss Federal Parliament in Bern on Monday, Yüksel said, "Today, as the Kurds living in Switzerland, we started a sit-in in front of the UN on the second day of our action to remind international organisations of their responsibilities and to protest their silence."

On Wednesday, after the central rally in front of the UN Office, activists will take action to deliver the files to the UN officials.  Yüksel called on all Kurds and their friends to gather in front of the UN tomorrow.