Vigil in front of UN representation in Bonn

Members of the KNK Women's Commission are holding a three-day vigil in front of the UN representation in Bonn to protest against the Turkish occupation attacks on Kurdistan and the targeted killing of women.

The Women's Commission of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) protests with a vigil in front of the UN representation in Bonn against the Turkish occupation attacks on Kurdistan and the targeted killing of women. The vigil began on Wednesday at ten o'clock and is to continue until Friday at four o'clock. A meeting with the UN committee on women is requested.

One of the KNK activists explained that the protest is directed against the Turkish occupation of three parts of Kurdistan and the planned femicides in all places occupied by Turkey. The most recent examples mentioned were the Turkish killer drone attack in Kobanê, where three Kurdish activists were killed on June 23, and the systematic attacks on women in the occupied Afrin. The statement condemned the silence of the UN and NATO on these crimes.