Women meet with Argentinean government official to discuss Turkey’s chemical attacks in Kurdistan

A meeting was held with the Argentinean Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the chemical attacks of the Turkish state against guerrilla troops and the isolation of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

A delegation of Kurdish and Argentine women met with the officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina.

The delegation included Plazo De Mayo Mothers founding member Nora Cortiñas, human rights activist and Diàlogo 2000 representative Beverly Keene, Abya Yala Feminists representative Claudia Korol, Encuentro Memoria Verdad y Justicia representative Carlos Lorgi Benitze and a representative from the Kurdistan women's movement.

According to information obtained from the delegation, the Argentinean government was requested to take initiatives to prevent Turkey’s chemical attacks. The delegation also informed Argentinean officials about the isolation of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and the Turkish state's crackdown on the Kurds.


Claudia Korol remarked that she took part in the meeting on behalf of the Abya Yala Feminists, but also on behalf of the solidarity committee with the Kurdistan Women's Movement.

Korol said: “We had a meeting with the Human Rights Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We presented the secretary with a report we had prepared on the subject. Our report included a compiled report on the Turkish use of chemical weapons and the annual report of the Human Rights Association about the violations of rights in Turkey. Our aim is to have the Argentinean government take a clear stance in the face of this situation by providing extensive knowledge on the matter. Argentine is a member of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an intergovernmental organization that has the authority to prevent the use of chemical weapons.”

Korol remarked that they also raised concern over the isolation of Öcalan: “We have been demanding his freedom for a long time. We stand with the Kurdish people and Kurdish women. They are not alone. The Argentinean state should play its role to ensure that the existing agreements that protect human rights, peace and the right to life also be implemented for the Kurds.”


Beverly Keene, who lives in Buenos Aires, stated that they asked for support from the Argentinean authorities for the Kurdish people.

Keene said: “We have requested the Argentine government to take necessary steps that would force the international organizations that monitor and prevent the use of chemical weapons to initiate an investigation.”

Keen added: “Another attack took place in Paris a few days ago. This attack proves the existence of a systematic attack and an annihilation campaign against the Kurdish people, who are under threat not only in their own country, but also in countries where they live. The Kurds living in Iran, Iraq, Syria and the diaspora are subjected to intense attacks. This is unacceptable. A people cannot be subjected to attacks simply because they want to live freely. The Kurds only demand their own rights, lands, identity, and economy. We have come here today to ask the Argentinean authorities to take the necessary steps for the fulfilment of the rights of the Kurdish people.”


Carlos Lorgi Panitze, a member of the Memory, Truth and Justice Institution, which was formed by important human rights organizations and political parties, also attended the meeting.

Panitze stated that the allegations concerning Turkey’s chemical attacks were serious and posed a threat to humanity.

Panitze said: “We asked the Argentinean state to take some practical steps on this issue. Argentina is a member of the OPCW. So, it can take some diplomatic steps to prevent the use of chemical weapons against the Kurds. I believe that this is a step that needs to be taken to support the struggle of the Kurdish people. It would be a step to promote solidarity and respect for the struggle of the people of Kurdistan.”