Worldwide solidarity: Resistance is Rojava

Growing solidarity with the people of Rojava resisting Turkish genocidal campaign seeking to invade North and East Syria.

While the Turkish war of aggression against Rojava and Northeast Syria continues, there are protests against it worldwide. The protests and the solidarity have achieved global strength and network, which politics must take into account.

In the following we publish statements by The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA), the Pakistani professor Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, the Croatian author Dubravka Ugrešić, the joint statement of both North American authors Judyth Hill and Lucina Kathmann, and the joint statement of daughter and father, Dr. Annelies E. Broekman and Prof. Dr. Jan M. Broekman, who have expressed their solidarity.

The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA), Afganistan

The People of Rojava Will Emerge More Organized and Determined Than Ever

Once again the fascist government of Erdogan, the godfather of Daesh and other fundamentalist gangs, has attacked the people of Rojava. However, this time, it is a direct attack with the support of its proxy fanatic group named Free Army of Syria, which is a cloak for the Daesh forces.It is no secret to anyone that Daesh is the bastard procreation of the USA, Israel and the UK. Daesh was nurtured and armed with the most modern armaments of a full-fledged army by the regional surrogates of the mentioned powers –Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar. This ultra-reactionary and inhumane group, like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, is paving the way, in the name of Islam, for the neo-colonialist schemes of the US and the West. They embroil the Middle East in fire and blood in order for the long-term plans of imperialist countries to be implemented in this strategic region.

We believe, this attack wouldn’t have been possible without the green light from US. The US government betraying the Kurds, once again recorded in its history that friendship with this war-mongering and anti-human superpower, according to Henry Kissinger can be “fatal”. And one should never trust this shame of humanity. The Kurdish friends, by revising the recent years of their tactics of struggle, must have learned that their alignment with US have never been in their favor. The real interest went to the occupier government of USA. The ruling power of US, throughout its history, have always relied on dark, reactionary and criminal forces, and have used all kinds of devil acts and crimes to perish the revolutionary and progressive forces.

What makes the Rojava resistance an outstanding and awe-inspiring example to the world is the presence of armed women, veritable lionesses, in the forefront of the battles. Those determined women, aware of their place in legend and in history, fearless, hearts brimming with love, stand, fight and die side by side with their men, but will not give up their homeland to stone age murderers. The radiant example of these women in Rojava is a great lesson in love of country and of humanity for all captive nations enthralled by puppet regimes, especially for organizations of freedom-loving women. A people united will never be defeated!

The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA), with “defending the emancipatory and progressive struggles of captive nations of the world” as one of its aims, despite the current calamities in Afghanistan, considers its duty to stand beside the oppressed people of the world, and to reflect their resistance and sacrifices, and to express its solidarity and support with them. Our people have, since years, known with their whole being the bitter taste of bloodshed and betrayal, and have witnessed the mushrooming of a variety of enemies who have been falsely given grandiose titles by the occupiers. It is time for us to take inspiration from the indomitable people of Rojava and stand up unfalteringly against the occupiers and their vile minions who are playing with the fate of our nation. The tormented people of Afghanistan should never forget that we have a common pain, therefore, we need to have a common fight and solidarity. We are all suffering from the dirt of imperialism and their local fundamentalist and non-fundamentalist surrogates. So let’s become a joint fist against these murderers.

Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Professor of Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abandoning the Kurdish people to the wolves of the Turkish establish ent and the barbarians of ISIS is America's greatest betrayal yet. On behalf of progressive Pakistanis, I wish to extend my full support to the brave Kurdish fighters who are battling the odds.

Dubravka Ugrešić, Croatian writer, lives in Amsterdam

I deeply sympathise with the sufferings of Kurdish people. I am fascinated -- like many women all over the world are -- with brave Rojava women. With all my (feminist) mind and heart I fully support their side and their cause. Let us believe that our united voices will help to stop (at least for a second, because sometimes just a second is enough) the brutal power games. Kurdish defeat is our defeat too.

Judyth Hill, President, San Miguel PEN

Lucina Kathmann, Vice-President, PEN International

To Our Respected President and Members of the Peace Committee of International PEN,

President and Members of Kurdish PEN Centre and PEN Turkey Centre,

Our Respected Kurdish friends, and all members of Civaka Azad, the Kurdish Center for Public Relations,

We, at San Miguel PEN, Guanajuato, Mexico, offer our vigorous support to you, our allies in Peace, and linguistic, literary, and journalistic freedom.

When, in the 1980s, the Turkish government institutionalized their longstanding and ongoing policy of outlawing the Kurdish Mother Language and all Kurdish cultural instruction; when, on February 5, 2016, the Turkish government sacked the PEN Office in Diyarbakir, as well as taking over the Christian churches and attacking numerous schools, imprisoned innumerable academics and journalists, AND, when, on innumerable other dire occasions, we have raised our voices, written letters and signed petitions against the continual vicious suppression and repression of the cultural and linguistic rights and lives of the Kurdish people, we stood in solidarity and heartbroken outrage with our Kurdish and Turkish comrades.

Now that Recep Erdogan has invaded Northeastern Syria - with the clear and unconscionable go-ahead of the United States Government - we can expect, that in addition to the cruel slaughter of our Kurdish allies, there will follow the institutionalized repression, imprisonment and categorical outlawing of mother tongue education, linguistic and education rights, and cultural freedom of the Syrian Kurds.

We join the wide solidarity being expressed by academics, thinkers and artists across the world. We know it is critical to raise awareness and informed outcry on this unacceptable situation; we join this outcry, and express our ongoing, STRONG, spirited support of our Kurdish and Turkish allies in their resistance to the repressive and reprehensible behavior of Recep Erdogan and his Turkish and international supporters.

We collectively raise our voices and act in solidarity with our Kurdish and Turkish colleagues and comrades under threat in East Syria, and in Turkey, to put an end to this madness of war and cultural genocide and return to negotiation and dialogue to save lives and maintain peace.

In light of all this, and as we at the San Miguel PEN Centre experience these attacks on the lives, liberties and civil rights of our Kurdish comrades as attacks on the very fabric of Human Rights for us all, we urge that the military siege be STOPPED and peace prevail in Syria and we strongly stand in support for and solidarity with all efforts to make this so.

Furthermore, we declare ourselves to stand side by side our Kurdish and Turkish comrades, members of the Kurdish PEN Centre, Turkish PEN, PEN International and all peoples that believe and work for Freedom of Expression and Human Rights, in support of our Kurdish allies.

We Stand with our Friends, the Kurdish People!

In Ongoing Solidarity,

Dr. Annelies E. Broekman, Barcelona, Spain 

Prof. Dr. Jan M. Broekman, Leuven, Belgium

When confronted with the news reaching us every day, reporting the war crimes and aggression developing in Rojava, we felt the need to express ourselves. We’re a father and a daughter living in Europe, deeply concerned and compassionate with the Kurdish inhabitants of Syria and all those who suffer with them, as the area is the home to so many different cultures and ethnicities.

Awareness about the dimensions of the individual and social sufferance belongs to an act of sharing consciousness of human dignity.   That is the motivation for us to write these lines.

First, the populations concerned are exposed to scales of sufferance that annihilate the effects of all regional and international laws. A call for a strong and continuously raising awareness about this situation should be heard at a global level, as these acts affect all of us. They de-legitimize the very foundations of the principles and rulings on which the so-called civilized societies relay, such as the human rights code or institutions like the United Nations. What sense do these still have in the face of televised disrespect of human life?

The attacks to the people of Rojava, who built the only example of a truly democratic project in the Middle East, have an enormously meaningful and symbolic value. Mass-media communication should highlight this with strength.

Second, the meaning of this actual and acute sufferance, despite so-called cease-fires and other political consultations, should be deepened and globally articulated.  What occurs excruciates the will, attitude and voices of all who witness these events, their scientific and cultural contributions to humanity included.  European citizens also know about the necessity, the difficulty and often the lack of courage to fight against this destruction.  That knowledge profiles the fate of all citizens and should encourage uniting the message of resistance to all those who suffer and are threatened to lose lives, roots and dignity.

Third, the international community is called to not only halt the actual threat and aggression in the regions concerned, but also to prevent an aggravation of political disorder, translated into an increasing of the actual rise of fascism and violent repression against multiculturalism, feminism, ecological justice and secularism.  Our call for a reinforced global solidarity and awareness concerning the sufferance of the people of Rojava is therefore also a strong political call to intensify our awareness of dangers inherent to any extension of fascism and armed conflict (including nuclear and chemical weapons), a globally threatening result from this situation.

This expression of our solidarity is based on observations, which should be in effect at any international level.  They do concern the suffering of human individuals, of cultures and communities as well as the dangers of extending realms of fascism.

We want to express our hope that the courageous and progressive social project promoted in Rojava will not be halted, but inspires all people of the world, just like us, to promote its values and practices in preservation of life at this planet.