ANHA reporter: We were directly targeted by Turkish soldiers

Kurdish journalist who got wounded while covering Turkey’s attacks on Gire Spi said the Turkish soldiers at the border had directly targeted them.

Gulistan Mihemed and Ibrahim Ehmed, reporters for the Rojava based Hawar News Agency (ANHA) suffered injuries while covering the invading Turkish state’s attacks against Gire Spi Friday morning.

Gülistan Mihemed got wounded on the head and was taken under initial treatment at the Weteni Hospital in Gire Spi. She was then referred to Manbij Hospital where she underwent surgery. She will be kept under supervision for 24 hours.

Ibrahim Ehmed, who got injured on the left arm, is receiving treatment at Weteni Hospital. He is reported to be recovering.

Speaking about what he has been through, Ehmed told the following: “We went to the Al-Munbetih neighborhood to follow the developments there as it was under Turkish attack. The Turkish soldiers deployed at the border directly targeted me and my colleague to make sure truths are kept hidden.”