Ethnic cleansing in Afrin: 60,000 people resettled in the city

At least 60,000 people have been moved to Afrin. Families transferred from other regions were placed in the center of Jindirês, Şiyê, Bilbilê, Şêra and Afrin.

Within the framework of the ethnic cleansing operation in Turkish-occupied Afrin, at least 60,000 people, mostly families of mercenaries settled in the city.

Turkish occupation forces and its mercenary allies threatened, tortured and massacred local citizens, forcing thousands to leave their house. Those houses have been occupied by families of mercenaries. 

In the past year, tens of thousands of people have settled in Afrin within the framework of the ethnic cleansing campaign.

They were brought from other regions occupied by the Turkish army and its mercenary allies, especially Idlib, and resettled in Afrin.

According to ANHA, the majority of the families moved to Afrin are relatives of mercenaries belonging to Tahrir Al-Sham (Jabhat Al-Nusra). At least 190,000 people from Idlib, have been resettled in Afrin, Azaz, Bab, Jarablus and Rai.

The families of mercenaries belonging to Tahrir Al-Sham group have been reportedly been taken out from Idlib after violent clashes between the Syrian regime forces and the Turkish state mercenaries. 

At least 60,000 people have been moved to Afrin. Families transferred from other regions were placed in the center of Jindires, Shiye, Bilbile, Shera and Afrin.

Earlier 4,000 people, the majority mercenaries families members, had been resettled in Afrin. With those latest resettlement, the number of mercenary families in the city increased to at least 64,000.

The Turkish occupation forces moved thousands of mercenary families to the Atme camp and the village of Dêrbelût in the Jindirêsê district. It was also reported that large new camps were established in the village of Mele Xelîl of Jindirêsê.