Civilians have been targeted since the first day of the invasion attempt by the Turkish army and affiliated ISIS and Al-Nusra gangs against Afrin Canton of Northern Syria. Since the launch of the invasion operation by the Turkish state against Afrin on January 20, 176 civilians, including 27 children and 21 women, have been massacred, while 484 civilians were wounded, among them 60 children and 71 women.
Majority of civilian casualties was caused by bombardments by warplanes, armed unmanned aerial vehicles and artillery attacks. Using the Syrian airspace opened by Russia, the Turkish state continues to bomb Afrin city and its districts for 34 days now.
Speaking to ANF about civilian casualties, Afrin Canton Health Council Co-chair Ancela Resho said; “The Turkish state is targeting civilians since the first day of their attacks. Contrary to their claims that civilians are never targeted, children, women and migrants have all been a target so far.”
Ancelo Resho stated that all the 176 civilians martyred in the attacks lost their lives as a result of aerial and artillery attacks of the Turkish state that separately perpetrated massacres in several locations. She added that they have not been able to reach the dead bodies of many civilians so far.
Resho noted that most of the martyred civilians were migrants that had taken refuge in Afrin due to the civil war in Syria. She gave the following information about massacres;
“The Turkish state’s first massacre against civilians took place in Afrin’s Tirende neighborhood where a migrant family from Idlib’s Kefer Hemra region was targeted. Two people from this family were killed, one of them being a child, and four others got wounded.
The second massacre was perpetrated in Cilbire village on January 21 and families that had migrated from Meryamin region were targeted. 8 people fell and 11 got wounded in the attacks.
In the third massacre in Mabeta on January 26, 6 people from the same family were killed and one was wounded.
In the fourth massacre, a family living on animal husbandry was targeted in Gobel region, as a result of which 8 people were killed and 8 others were wounded.
Apart from that, airstrikes on Rajo district targeted an Armenian family. While the mother and father got wounded, their children lost their lives.”
Stressing that people are not leaving their lands despite the intensified attacks of the Turkish state, Ancela Resho said; “Recently, they have started to use chemical weapons banned by international conventions. They used weapons with banned substance. Six civilians who got injured in Aranda village of Shiye and then hospitalized were observed to have been subjected to high dose of chlorine gas that is also prohibited by international conventions.”
According to the records of Afrin Canton Health Council, names of the 176 civilians massacred in 34 days of Turkey’s invasion operation are as follows;
Names of the children massacred:
1- Yahya Ehmed Hemeda (9)
2- Selma El Hüseyin (6)
3- Xaliya El Hüseyin (8)
4- Hedil El Hüseyin (10)
5- Wail El Hüseyin (1)
6- Museab El Hüseyin (6)
7- Ehmed El Hüseyin (17)
8- Name not available
9- Sami El Hüseyin (12)
10- Memed Xelil Bekir (10)
11- Name not available (a girl)
12- Cegerxwîn Memed (16)
13- Nazi Yusif Yusif (16)
14- Zekiya Taha El Xatir (15 years old, disabled)
15- Esra Taha El Xatir (6)
16- Ezadin El Amir (8)
17- Süleyman El Xatir (14)
18- Name not available
19- Ehmed Kino (15)
20- Henadi Kino (15)
21- Sefayi Kino (7)
22- Suzan Siphî Hüseyin (11)
23- Hesen Kino (13)
24- Kemal Kino (7 months)
25- Name not available
26- Arhat Ehmed Elîko (9)
27- Heyfa Mihemed Kelaho (13)
Women massacred in Turkish attacks;
1- Rehef El Hüseyin
2- Name not available
3- Amara Elî
4- Evîn Azad
5- Sewsen Cemil
6- Elmasa Şêxo Horo
7- Name not available
8- Fatma Mihemed
9- Hevîn Mihemed Robîci
10- Emîna Mistefa El Xatir
11- Fatima Ehmed Ebdirbo
12- Curya Kino
13- Eyşa Xalid
14- Riwan El Eswed
15- Emîra Kino
16- Name not available
17- Name not available
18- Zeyneb Mihemed
19- Emina Şahin
20- Hurya Ebid Hecris
21- Fehima Hemeda El Hemeda.
Men massacred in Turkish attacks;
1- Kinco Kinco
2- Cuma Yehya Mecid
3- Aslan Fehim Misto
4- Omer Mihemed Reşid
5- Îbo Xelil Reşid
6- Sebrî Elî Sebri
7- Kaniwar (surname not available)
8- Izedin El Amir Azad
9- Azad (surname not available)
10- Reşid El Neesen
11- Mecid Abid
12- Basil Hesen
13- Mehmud (surname not available)
14- Givara (surname not available)
15- Behri Ednan
16- Mihemed Henan
17- Beşar Dilşêr Welat
18- Çekdar (surname not available)
19- Bedir El Hisên
20- Mihemed Ebdo Kinco
21- Welid Mistefa Kulsili
22- Ehmed Rehmano
23- Mihemed Mehmud Qudo
24- Basil Ridwan Îbrahim
25- Omer Misto
26- Mihemed Beyrem Mihemed
27- Elî Şêxo
28- Ehmed El Hüseyin
29- Ebdulqadir Şêxo
30- Rustem Nuri Heftaro
31- Mihemed Fewzi Bekir
32- Mihemed Mistefa Misto
33- Name not available
34- Elî Ebdulrehman Şêxo
35- Name not available, a disabled citizen
36- Îmad Simo
37- Name not available
38- Nîda Xelil
39- Xelil Mihemed Mihemed
40- Ehmed Mihemed Reşid
41- Name not available, a young person
42- Name not available, a young person
43- Name not available, a young person
44- Xelil Hurik Weys
45- Hisên Mihemed
46- Name not available
47- Mihemed Hesen Reşid
48- Ebdulqadir Mennan Hemo
49- Şêxo Heyder Şalik
50- Mihemed Hadi Hadi
51- Mihemed Ehmed Bilati
52- Ebdo Mihemed Said Xelil
53- Ciwan Welid Mistefa
54- Şêxmus Ebdulrehman Dawud
55- Şêxo Enwer Kunis
56- Mehmud Mihemed Mistefa
57- Nêçirvan Mihemed Emin Ebdo
58- Ridwan Rifet Hesen
59- Mihemed El Xatir
60- Taha Mistefa El Xatir
61- El Xatir
62- Mihemed Salah Mihemed
63- Omer Hikmet Bekir
64- Ebdo Cuma Hisên
65- Nasir Elî Misto
66- Nida El Ehmeddd
67- Mihemed Ehmed
68- Emir Hesen
69- Said El Mihemed
70- Eli Ebdulrehman
71- Mihemed Ehmed Bekir
72- Mehmud Mistefa Masturli
73- Ferhad Silêman
74-Behcet Niyazi Sido
75- İbrahim Hisên Eli
76- Ehmed Ednan Mennan
77- Zekeriya İsmail Kawa
78- Mihemed Ednan Eli
79- Omer İbrahim Reşo
80- Ebdulah Miqdat Habil
81- Rojhat Musa
82- Eli Ehmed Bekir
83- Ocelan Arif Bekir
84- Mehmud Reşit Soko
85- Ehmed El Casim
86- Arif Elo Eziz
87- Mihemed Omer
88- Şêrwan Hesen
89- Mihemed Eli Hemo
90- Ehmed Hemud
91- Bekir Xelo
92- Iyd El Binif
93- Şêrwan Îbrahim Îbiş
94- Hesen Ebû Zuhur
95- Roni Ebdo
96- Şivan Hebeş
97- Mistefa Qedûr
98- Munzur Mistefa
99 Ehmed Hemo
100- Basil Qerehesen
101- Mistefa Mistefa
102- Elî Hembeşo
103- Mihemed Mihemed
104- Cemal Kemal Misto
105- Ehmed Hemo Silêman
106- Kawa Ezîz Elûş
107- Dildar Ehmed Tobal
108- Ehmed Mihemed Horo
109- Hisên Mehmud Nebo
110- Mihemed Enwer Xelil Mistefa
111- Mazlum Zekeriya Reşo
112- Ferhad Mihemed Îbîş
113- Nisret Osman Hisên
114- Ednan Mihemed Îbrahim
115- Mihemed İbrahim
116- Mihemed Îbrahim Reşo
117- Heyder Mihemed Sido
118- Osman Mihemed Naso
119- Kawa Nuri Şahin
120- Ciwan Mihemed Memo
121- Demhat Hisên Qenber
122- Ridwan Mihemed Hisên
123- Mehmud Hesen Berazi
124- Ebdureham Akkaş
125- Hisên Mistefa Mecid
126- Mihemed Mistefa Qere Mistefa
127- Name not available
128- Eşref Eli Heyder.