700 books by Abdullah Öcalan distributed in Raqqa

On the second day of its action, the Raqqa Canton Education Office distributed 700 books on the defences of Abdullah Öcalan to civil society organisations in the canton.

The Raqqa Canton Education Office distributed books by Kurdish Leader Abdullah Öcalan in cooperation with Martyr Ebdulezîz El Mûsa Academy as part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a political solution to the Kurdish question" campaign launched globally in October 2023.

On the second day of the book distribution, 700 books by Abdullah Öcalan were distributed. Within the scope of the event, 2,200 books will be distributed.

The book distribution started yesterday with the slogan "The struggle for freedom will win". On the first day, 650 books were distributed.

According to observers, the aim of the book distribution is to spread the ideas of Abdullah Öcalan among the people.