Afrin-Shehba region attacked at least 121 times in one month

The Turkish state and allied mercenaries, which occupied Afrin in 2018, continue their attacks and crimes in the region.

The Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) Press Liaison Centre reported that the occupying Turkish state launched at least 121 attacks on Afrin and Shehba regions during March.

According to HRE, the Turkish state, which occupied Afrin in 2018, used howitzers, tanks, DShKs, bomb-laden drones and grenade launchers in the attacks.

Between 1-31 March, a total of 121 attacks were launched against 44 villages and towns in Afrin and Shehba. The attacks caused material damage.

The statement said that on 17 March, locals working in the fields in Belûniyê village were targeted and 17-year-old Elî Ebdulrehman Mihemed lost his life. Another local was wounded in the same attack.

On 4 March, one person was wounded in an attack on Alqamiyê village in Afrin’s Shera district.

The statement said that on the same day, HRE forces shot down a drone belonging to the invaders in Alqamiyê village.