Researcher Zaid Al Youbi, head of the Palestinian Centre for Strategic Studies and Middle East expert, answered ANF's questions concerning the attacks on North and East Syria.
Al Youbi pointed out that the attacks on North and East Syria are multi-faceted. “We should not consider the current attacks carried out by the invading Turkish state as military operations. Turkey is planning to invade the region. It is an invasion that seeks to disrupt and destroy the stability and peace in the region. Turkey wants to eradicate the Kurdish will that emerged there with this invasion. For this reason, the Turkish attacks target not only the Kurds but also all other nations in the region. Moreover, Turkey threatens the security of the region. Erdogan wants to violate the rights of the region’s people.”
Al Youbi stressed that the attacks are also an attempt to help ISIS to resurge. “Erdoğan wants to create an atmosphere for a revival of ISIS with these attacks. He wants to create this atmosphere in Northern and Eastern Syria. Because we see that the Turkish forces mount attacks against those who ensure the security of the places where ISIS members are detained. If the attacks against North and East Syria become successful, radical terrorist groups such as ISIS will be able to reorganize themselves in the region. Countries in the region would face a danger posed by ISIS. Therefore, there would be chaos in the entire Middle East.”
Al Youbi spoke about the attitude of forces such as the United States towards the attacks. “On the one hand, the US says that 'We are against these attacks, yet on the other hand, we understand Turkey's concerns'. This is a dangerous attitude. This shows that the US gives the green light to the attacks. This green light is to kill more Kurds. It would kill everyone from North and East Syria to Iraq. For, Erdogan is attacking everywhere. I believe that Erdogan must have secretly received a green light from some states to attack these regions.”
Al Youbi called for 'immediate action' against the attacks. “The international community must intervene in the situation urgently. A Turkish invasion should be rejected. They should force Erdogan to stop his violations in North and East Syria. Human rights organizations, the Arab League and international forces should step into action against this invasion and take a serious stance. Erdogan doesn't just attack the Kurds. He is also attacking Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Libya. Hence, this is an invasion project and should be resisted immediately. The international community has remained weak in dealing with it. The international community must first step into action against Erdogan's attacks and stop him. Turkey's current attacks are a violation of all kinds of international laws.”
Al Youbi said that the Arab world should oppose Erdogan. “Erdogan wants to reconcile with the Arab countries. However, the Arab community regards Erdogan as an invader and a murderer. I want to address the Arab community: They should take a stand against the Turkish invasion. Erdogan is an enemy like Israel. The Arab society advocates the cause of the Kurds against this invasion. Countries from the Arabian Gulf to Algeria, Lebanon, Tunisia are against Erdogan. Every intellectual, activist and patriot should step into action against this invasion. Erdogan is the murderer of the century. He has posed a danger to the whole world. Erdogan should be tried in international courts and held accountable.”
Al Youbi noted: “As the Palestinian people, we support the Kurdish people in every aspect. The Kurds are living through what we are experiencing. As the Arab people, we must stand by the Kurds against these attacks. Everyone should gather around the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The world countries should regard the SDF, which fights ferociously against ISIS, as a model for the fight against terrorism. For, the Kurds are now sacrificing their lives fighting not only for the Kurds, but also for the liberation of the entire region.”