Almost a thousand artillery shells fired at Afrin and Shehba in 24 hours

Dozens of villages in the Afrin and Shehba regions have been targeted by nearly a thousand artillery shells fired by the invading Turkish state in the last 24 hours.

The Turkish state has unprecedentedly escalated its attacks against North and East Syria since the night of November 19.

Serious war crimes have been committed by Turkish forces who directly and deliberately target the civil infrastructure.

Oil plants, power grids, grain stores, hospitals, schools, roads, homes are systematically bombed.

Some of the places that have been bombed in the last 24 hours are as follows:

Shera, Merenaz, Malikiyê, Tinnib, Tatmeraş, Kişteaar, Alqemiyê;

Hill Meyasê in Sherawa, the hill between Meyasê and Birc Qasê, the villages of Hirşê Sixonekê, Geliyê Aqîbê, Bênê, Dêrcimêl and Ziyaret;

The area between Til Madîq, Hesacêk and Samûqa in Shehba region, Til Cîcan, Samûqa, Til Aneb, Bêlûniyê, Ayn Deqnê, Hirbilê road, Til Rifet, Şêx Îsa, Zîwan and Minnix airports.

At least 965 mortars, howitzers and tank shells have hit these areas. The attacks have caused serious material damage and are reported to be continuing.

On November 25 at 08:00 local time, the villages of Dada Ebdal and Bobî in Zirgan were bombed.