Escalated attacks by the Turkish state target the livelihood of people in northern Syria

As a result of the Turkish state’s attacks against Manbij Canton, 200 hectares of agricultural land and 3 thousand olive trees have burnt down so far. According to residents, the Turkish state targets the livelihoods of the people with these attacks.

The Turkish army and its jihadist mercenary troops have once again resorted to setting fire to grain fields in the autonomous region of North and East Syria through targeted shelling, thereby destroying the harvest. The Turkish state has been using this method systematically since the occupation of Afrin in March 2018 and the occupation of Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) and Girê Spî (Tal Abyad) in October 2019 in order to starve and drive out the population.

The occupying Turkish army and its gangs bombed the villages of Bugaz and Qertwêran west of Manbij city on 10 May and 200 hectares of agricultural land, starting a fire that turned nearly 3 thousand olive trees into ashes. Citizens whose fields were burnt as a result of the attacks spoke to ANHA.

The residents pointed out that the targeting of agricultural areas is one of the attempts of the Turkish state to put pressure on the people and force them to migrate. At the same time, they stated that the aim of these attacks was to break the resistance of the people against the occupation of their lands.

Fatima El Mihemed from Kawiklî village, whose field was burnt due to shelling, said: "Our agricultural fields were burnt due to the attacks of the Turkish state. The fire started in Girhuyok village, west of Erîme town, and spread to Yalnî village, north of the town. Citizens prepared tractors and tools to extinguish the fire, but they could not go to the scene of the fire for fear of being targeted."

Stating that the fire spread to olive trees, vineyards, wheat, barley and lentil fields due to strong winds, Fatima said that the fire destroyed all the hopes of the citizens for the harvest season and their only source of livelihood.

Another citizen, named Wefa Al Ehmed, from the Îlan village pointed out that the occupying Turkish state and its gangs set fire to the agricultural lands in the villages opposite the occupied areas and said: "The fire caused a great disaster, the smoke from the fire entered the houses and affected the sick people."

Drawing attention to the danger posed by the fire, Wefa said, "This fire endangers the lives of people whose homes are close to agricultural areas. Another danger is the daily bombardment of our villages by the invaders and their gangs."