Four more people kidnapped in Afrin, says human rights organization

The Syria-Afrin Human Rights Organization said that the Turkish state and its mercenaries, which have occupied Afrin since 2018, kidnapped 4 people in the cities of Jindires and Rajo.

The Syria-Afrin Human Rights Organization said that the Turkish intelligence agency MIT and mercenaries acting under the name of “Political Security” carried out house raids in the village of Der Belut in the city of Jindires in Afrin on Wednesday, 4 September.

It was reported that during the raids, Ehmed Mihemed Nur Hebeş (47), Mistefa Tahir Ebdo (45) and Omer Ehmed Henan (25) were detained by force and taken to an unknown location.

In addition, the paramilitary organization “Military Police” established in the occupied area kidnapped a citizen named Selah Ehmed (50) in the village of Semala in the city of Rajo. The fate of the kidnapped person is unknown.

On 5 September, local sources reported that the Turkish intelligence agency and the Al Sharqiya gang group kidnapped three people registered in the Meka Jêrin village of Afrin.

Over 10,400 people have been kidnapped since the occupation

The Turkish state established a complete terror regime in Afrin, which it occupied in 2018.

According to the Violations Documentation Center, at least 28 people were kidnapped in July, 30 people in May and 40 people in June.

According to the Syrian Organization for Human Rights, at least 10,332 people were kidnapped, and 463 people were killed between 2018 and April 2024.