HTS leader signs transitional constitution

Draft constitution for the transitional period was signed in Damascus.

Ahmed Al-Sharaa, leader of HTS and head of the interim administration in Damascus, has signed the draft constitution for the transitional period.

According to the spokesperson of the drafting committee, the signed draft establishes a strict separation of powers in Syria and guarantees freedom of expression as well as women's political and economic rights. However, how this will be implemented in practice remains uncertain.

At a press conference held at the presidential palace in Damascus, the spokesperson for the drafting committee said: "Since there was no separation of powers, we have deliberately chosen a strict separation of powers."

The draft claims to guarantee "a wide range of rights and freedoms, including freedom of thought, expression, and the press," while also ensuring "women's social, economic, and political rights."

However, Syria's official name remains the 'Syrian Arab Republic,' and Islam will be recognized as the primary source of law.

Key articles of the draft constitution:

1. Official name

   - Syria’s official name will remain the 'Syrian Arab Republic,' with no changes to the designation. 

2. Religion and law

   - Islam will be recognized as the primary source of law in Syria. 

3. Citizenship rights

   - No discrimination will be made against Syrian citizens; all individuals will have equal rights and responsibilities. 

4. Division of powers

   - Legislative power will be vested in parliament. 

   - Executive power will be granted to the president. 

5. Presidential powers

   - The president will have the power to declare a state of emergency when necessary. 

   - Ministers will have direct access to the president. 

6. Judicial independence

   - The judiciary will remain independent, and no external force will have the authority to interfere. 

7. Parliamentary powers

   - Parliament will have the power to impeach the president.

   - It will also have the power to grant general amnesty. 

8. Transitional period

   - The transition period will last five years. 

   - A special commission will be established to draft a new permanent constitution. 

9. Freedoms and international law

   - Freedom of expression and press freedom will be protected. 

   - Syria will commit to respecting international law.