Italian medicines reach Rojava

After a long wait 280 kilos of medicines have reached the people of Rojava

Despite the many difficulties and obstacles over 5,000 boxes of medicines have finally reached the people of Rojava. 

The over 280 Kg of medicines, for a value of some 95,000 euro have been sent by the Sanitarian Project of Rete Kurdistan, Italy. 

The medicines, together with small medical tools, have been collected since October 2017 by Italians groups and organisations in coordination with Heyva Sor a Kurd (Kurdish Half Moon). 

In a press released by Rete Kurdistan it is underlined that “this project has been possible thanks to the help of many, Turin Popular medical centre Fathi, Florence Social Netword Forimercato, Rome Ararat Cultural Centre, Aprilia Senza Confine Association, Reggio Calabria social centre Angelina Cartella, Naples Presidio Salute Solidly, Trieste Anarchist Group Germinale and Association CSI. 

The organisers say: “We almost couldn’t believe when the friends from Heyva Sor told us that they had finally got the medicines. Because of the embargo by the Iraqi central government in agreement with Turkey - say the promoters - the solidarity shipping was stuck there for ages. Finally, Heyva Sor was able to recover all medicines in Sulemaniya”.