Manbij Military Council foils Turkey-linked attempt to infiltrate the region

Manbij Military Council said that they did not allow gangs affiliated with the Turkish state to infiltrate Manbij's villages, and that the Turkish state then launched mortar attacks in the region.

Manbij Military Council stated that the region was bombarded with mortars after the Turkish state gangs attempted to infiltrate the villages of Manbij.

Manbij Military Council said that its fighters did not allow the gangs to pass and added that the Turkish state's artillery and mortar attacks against the region continued.

The Turkish state killed 5 civilians as a result of attacks on the villages in the northern region of Manbij. It was learned that mercenary groups also kidnapped 2 brothers whose names were not known.

The Turkish state and its army recruited from ISIS and other groups have increased their invasion attacks against residential areas in Northern and Eastern Syria for two days, at a time when the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continues its operations to ensure the security of the people against ISIS mercenaries in Deir ez-Zor.

Ankara-affiliated gangs carried out land attacks on many villages in the north and west of Manbij early on Friday morning, World Peace Day, killing 4 children in the village of Mihsenli, located in the North East of Manbij.