MSD: Afrin should be declared a demilitarized humanitarian zone

MSD condemned the massacre of locals lighting Newroz fire in Afrin's Jindires district, demanding that: “Afrin should be declared a demilitarized humanitarian zone and all armed groups should withdraw from the city.”

The Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) released a statement concerning the killing of four Kurdish civilians while lighting a Newroz fire in Afrin's Jindires district on the night of March 20.

“The recent killings cannot be separated from occupation, displacement and maltreatment of the Kurds. Also, this crime has political, security and social repercussions. The occupying power and its henchmen that occupied Afrin are responsible for this crime. On the other hand, anyone who remains silent towards the occupation and forced displacement is also responsible for this crime,” said the MSD and highlighted the following demands:

“Afrin should be declared a demilitarized humanitarian zone and all armed groups should withdraw from the city. The indigenous people of the city should be safely returned to their lands under the supervision of the international community.

Those responsible for the massacres and frequent violations of rights against humanity must be held accountable.

The administration and security of the Afrin Region should be handed over to the local people and a fair prosecution system should be established.

All abducted and detained citizens should be released. Whereabouts of those forcibly abducted should be revealed, and those who were harmed should be helped.

The media and international law organizations should be allowed access to Afrin.”

The MSD concluded: “May the torch of Kawa the Blacksmith light Syria. Victory will be secured through the commitment and solidarity of the honourable Syrians. Newroz will be a symbol to end oppression and secure freedom and justice.”