Northern Syria: Agriculture under artillery fire

The farmers in the Ain Issa region are in their fields under constant artillery fire from the Turkish occupying forces and their militias. They are nevertheless determined not to abandon their land to the occupying forces.

The Turkish state and its militias have not reduced their attacks on North and East Syria even in the face of the pandemic. The villages in the Ain Issa town, which are located directly on the border with the Turkish-occupied territories, are particularly affected by the attacks. Despite daily bombardment, the people there have to continue their work in the fields.

"We grew up here, we will not leave"

20 kilometres north of Ain Issa and about eight kilometres south of the Turkish occupation zone lies the village of Leqleqwa. ANHA news agency spoke there with the farmers about their problems. Farmer Ahmed Isa said: "I have lived here for 40 years and have been farming ever since. We live from our land. We harvest the vegetables that we have planted for ourselves and our children. That is our reality. We will not leave this land. We will not bow to the Turkish state or its criminal gangs. These gangs work with the Turkish state to enrich themselves." Isa works together with his children in the fields.

"Bombs land in our village every day"

The farmer's wife Vehîda Mustafa stresses that they will not leave their land: "The Turkish state and its militias drop bombs on our village every day. The day before yesterday an artillery shell hit our house. The Turkish state is waging war against us and wants to destroy our security and peace. The civilian population is forced to flee. But this land is ours. We won't leave it to the occupying forces."