People of Manbij demonstrate in solidarity with the SDF: We will defend our city

Members of Manbij Military Council, Civil Administration, political parties, tribal leaders, notables and civil society organizations marched in Manbij and expressed their support for the SDF, vowing to confront the attacks alongside the defense forces.

People staged a march in Manbij on Sunday to express their support for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The march was participated by the residents, members of the Manbij Military Council, Civil Administration, political parties, tribal leaders and notables and civil society organizations.

The march was followed by a rally, where Xêr Şêxo, Co-Chair of the Manbij Democratic Autonomous Administration Executive Council, addressed the crowd. Şêxo denounced the increasingly ongoing attacks and plots against Manbij and other regions in North-East Syria, stating: “We will defend our city alongside our military forces and follow in the footsteps of our martyrs. We will frustrate the plots and schemes, defend our gains and stand on the same front with our defense forces in response to the attacks.”

Appealing to those who cooperate with the Turkish state, Şêxo said: “You ravage your city and kill your people. Do not become an instrument used by foreign forces.”

Şervan Derwîş, Spokesperson of the Manbij Military Council, said: “We have frustrated the ploy through the resistance of our people, tribes and our fighters on all battle fronts. We are the people of this country. Nobody can stand before us.”

Derwîş thanked the young people who took up arms and joined the ranks of defense forces in response to the enemy attacks. He noted that Manbij Military Council, Jaysh al-Shuwar, Jabhat al-Akrad, Liwa al-Shimal al-Demokrati and al-Bab Military Council have inflicted heavy blows on the enemy on the fronts of battle.

Sheikh Mihemed Sadiq El Isêdî, Spokesperson of the Council of Notables in Manbij, underlined that tribes will always stand with the SDF and Manbij Military Council. He said: “As constituents in North-East Syria, we have lived in peace and love for hundreds of years. We have resisted and confronted all attacks with our strong will. Let Erdoğan and his mercenaries know this well.”