People of northern Syria: Victory will be ours

Civilians are joining the resistance alongside the SDF against the invasion operation of the Turkish army with allied jihadist mercenaries.

In the northern Syrian city of Serekaniye, one of the main targets of the Turkish incursion launched on Wednesday, people and fighters the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are fighting shoulder to shoulder.

Hundreds of people from Çilaxa and Tirbespiye have rushed to Serekaniye today to support the resistance. Visiting the people of the city and fighters on the battle front, people gave a message of resistance.

Ehmed Mihemed Mislim said they are not intimidated by the attacks; “We would even fall as martyrs for these lands but never leave them.”

Merwan Xelo expressed their determination to counter Turkish invasion with the following words; “Erdoğan is a dictator and terrorist. He is the father of terror. He wants to invade our lands and build a state of mercenaries. However, we will never leave our lands. God willing, we will win.”

Hemze Abid said: “We trust our YPG and YPJ. Victory will be ours.”

On the other hand, the aerial and howitzer attacks against the city continue. SDF fighters retaliate the attacks with heavy weapons.