Political parties and movements in North-East Syria call for action against Turkish attacks

Political parties, assemblies and movements in North and East Syria condemned the attacks of the occupying Turkish state and called on the relevant parties to stop the aggression.

Political parties, councils and movements in North and East Syria denounced the aggression of the occupying Turkish state against the region ongoing since 23 October evening.


The Democratic Unity Party, Future of Syria Party, Conference Party, Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party-Yekîtî and Syrian Democratic Council made a joint statement. The statement read by Mihemed Xerîr, Co-Chair of the Future of Syria Party, condemned the attacks of the occupying Turkish state against North and East Syria.

The statement called on the Syrian people and all national political forces to condemn these aggressions and violations by the occupying Turkish state against the region, and called on the Syrian government to fulfil its responsibility against the terrorist attacks against the Syrian people.


The Democratic Society Movement made a statement in front of its headquarters in Qamişlo. The statement read by Samî Elî, co-chair of the organisation bureau of the movement, condemned the genocidal attacks.

The statement called on international and humanitarian organisations to “put pressure on the occupying Turkish state to stop its aggressive actions and resolve the Syrian question through democratic methods in accordance with international resolution 2254”.


The Democratic Union Party (PYD), Kurdistan Democratic Party-Syria, Syria Modern and Democracy Party, Democratic Greens Party, Kurdistan Day Party, Democratic Development and Construction Party, Syriac Union Party, Kurdistan Conservative Party, Kongra Star, Arab National Council, Future of Syria Party and Kurdistan Brotherhood Party made a joint statement.

The statement made in front of the PYD building was read by Ednan Gêlo, Secretary of the Kurdistan Brotherhood Party. The statement called on the national and democratic forces inside and outside the country to adopt a common attitude against the attacks.

Ain Issa

Girê Spî City Council Municipalities Committee also made a statement and condemned the silence of the international powers against the attacks of the occupying Turkish state and said, “Although these attacks are against international agreements and laws, no one speaks out.”