Residents of Hol district receive weapon training to confront Turkish attacks

The residents of the Hol district are receiving weapon training to protect themselves and their areas against the attacks of the Turkish state.

Men, women, young and old people in the Hol district of Hesekê canton are attending weapon training in order to defend themselves and their lands against the aggression of the invading Turkish state as part of their legitimate right to self-defence.

The program includes training on light weapons and lasts 3 days, teaching how to open guns, how to clean them, their mechanism, how to respond if they do not work and the methods of firing bullets.

The residents of the district spoke to ANHA about the importance of using weapons in the current situation, stating that their training concerned self-defence and forming auxiliaries for the military security forces.

“We have participated in the training to protect the region, specifically the district of Hol where camps of ISIS families are located,” a citizen named Hadîl Mihemed from the Hol district said.

Another citizen named Teli Ehmed emphasized the importance of self-defence to protect the region against attacks. “Everyone should join the defence of the region against the attacks of the Turkish state,” he said.

After his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran on July 19, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held another meeting with Putin in Sochi on August 5. After the Syria-focused talks, Turkish attacks on North and East Syria have escalated.