SDF on Turkish attacks: We will respond effectively and efficiently at the right time and place

“We will do our historical duty, and we will continue our struggle with great determination. These attacks will not remain unanswered, and we will respond effectively and efficiently at the right time and place,” SDF vowed.

The General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a statement about the latest wave of Turkish attacks on North-East Syria that came as no surprise after Turkey’s repeated threats to capture the area amidst an international silence on the crimes committed by the invading state in the region.

The SDF statement released on Sunday includes the following:

“The Turkish occupation State has been preparing for a long time to launch a large-scale attack on the regions of the north and eastern Syria, especially after it fabricated the bombing scheme itself in Istanbul to use it as a pretext to threaten our areas.

Based on these preparations and at 12:00 p.m. on November 19th, it launched a brutal air attack on our areas using aircraft, targeting the areas of Derik / al-Malikiyah, al-Darbasiya, Zarkan / Abu Racin, Kobane, Tal Rifa’at, and the areas of al-Shahba’a. The air attacks continued sporadically until this morning.

The Turkish attacks on the city of Derik and its countryside caused a large massacre in the village of Taqil Baqil. In the first attack on the Taqil Baqil village, a worker in the power station was martyred, and when civilians tried to reach and retrieve him, the Turkish occupation aircraft launched another raid, committing a large massacre by targeting civilian medics, leaving 11 civilians martyred and 6 others injured, in addition to causing severe material damages to the power station.

In the Darbasiya area, two guards of the grain silos and agricultural centers were martyred, and in the Zarkan/Abu Rasin area, one of our SDF fighters was also martyred.

As documented and verified, three civilians were injured as a result of the extensive aerial bombardment on Kobane, in addition to severe damage caused to civilian homes and property.

As confirmed, 15 members of the Syrian regime forces lost their lives in these attacks.

Once again, the Turkish occupying State has shown its true fascist, genocidal and anti-people face. It cannot bear to see stability and coexistence among the people in the regions of north and eastern Syria. These attacks do not only target the Kurdish people, but also all components of north and eastern Syria.

We in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), just as we defended our people and our regions against the attacks of the terrorist organization of ISIS and the Turkish occupying State, from now on, we will do our historical duty, and we will continue our struggle with great determination. These attacks will not remain unanswered, and we will respond effectively and efficiently at the right time and place.

We are fully confident that our people will strengthen their cohesion with great determination, enhancing their national unity, increasing their adherence to the soil of their homeland and the stability of their region ever more than before, showing a stronger stance against the brutal attacks of the Turkish occupying State and its collaborators.

We offer our heartfelt condolences to our people and all the families of the martyrs in this massacre, and we reiterate our commitment to adhere to their struggles and sacrifices. We wish a speedy recovery for the wounded.”