SDF releases identity information of 7 fighters

The SDF released the identity information of 3 fighters who fell as martyrs in the operation on Sina prison and 4 in the bombardment carried out by the Turkish state.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Press Center released the identity information of 7 fighters who fell martyrs in the past weeks. Three of the fighters fell in the operation in Sina prison and 4 in the Turkish state's bombardment of Derik.

The SDF statement is as follows: “Our comrades, Isa, Madani and Xidir, who fought valiantly in the operation against the Islamic State attacks on Sina Prison in Hesekê, fell on 23 January.

The comprehensive and planned attack carried out by ISIS against the prison was defeated by the altruistic spirit of our fighters and the people of the region.

The Turkish state did not tolerate the victory against ISIS mercenaries in Hesekê. On 1 February, Turkish warplanes bombed a power plant near the village of Teqil Beqil in Derik, killing our comrades Mihyedin, Xebat, Siyabend and Şiyar.

Comrades Xemgin, Şiyar, Madani and Siyabend fought against the invaders and showed great heroism from the very beginning of their participation in the revolution in Northern and Eastern Syria. They continued in the same spirit in the fight against the mercenaries.

Each of our comrades loved his country and its people. Their dreams and aspirations were for victory.

All four martyrs were deeply committed to the values ​​of freedom and never took a step back.

Our comrades Isa, Xidir and Mihyedin are the children of this people and this land. During the Rojava Revolution, they happily fulfilled their duties and fought against all kinds of invasions.

We commemorate all martyrs with respect in the person of our 7 comrades. We express our condolences to the families of our martyrs and our people. Remembering them increases our strength in the fight against the invaders. We renew our promise to our martyrs, our people and our administration that we will continue the struggle for freedom until we achieve victory.

The identity details of the martyrs are as follows:

Code Name: Mihyedîn

Name and Surname: Mihemed Mihemed

Mother's Name: Emine

Father's Name: Hesen

Birthplace: Derik

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Dêrik 1 February 2022


Code Name: Siyabend Bêkes

Name and Surname: Ebdurehman Şêxo

Mother's Name: Yasmin

Father's Name: Moses

Birthplace: Afrin

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Dêrik 1 February 2022


Code Name: Şiyar Kobanê

Name and Surname: Mihemed Îsmaîl

Mother's Name: Feride

Father's Name: Ehmed

Birthplace: Kobanê

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Dêrik 1 February 2022


Code Name: Xemgîn Bilbil

Name and Surname: Mihemed Hesen

Mother's Name: Zeluk

Father's Name: Hesen

Birthplace: Afrin

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Dêrik 1 February 2022


Code Name: Jesus

Name and Surname: Îsa Abdullah

Mother's Name: Emine

Father's Name: Ehmed

Birthplace: Amude

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Dêrik 1 February 2022


Code Name: Civil Norşîn

Name and Surname: Medenî Bozkurt

Mother's Name: Nuriye

Father's Name: Rida

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Hesekê – 23 January 2022


Code Name: Xidir

Name and Surname: Xidir Al-Salih

Mother's Name: Emşe

Father's Name: Hisen

Birthplace: Hisen

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Hesekê – 23 January 2022