Turkish bombardment starts a big fire in Duhok countryside

A large-scale fire broke out after the attacks of the occupying Turkish army against the Rêkanî region.

The colonialist Turkish state’s invasion attacks and plunder in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) continue unabated.

The attacks by the occupying Turkish army, which have intensified in recent days, target not only the guerrilla areas but the whole of southern Kurdistan.

A large-scale fire broke out after a Turkish attack on the Rêkanî region in Amadiya district of Duhok on Sunday.

As a result of the targeted attack on civilian settlements, the fire spread to a large area. While a tractor belonging to the people was also targeted in the bombardment, the fire in the region is still not under control.

Turkey has massively expanded its occupation operation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in recent weeks and is preparing its long-announced "summer offensive" against the Kurdish guerrillas. Massive troop concentrations have been taking place for days. Troops are being increased and tanks are being deployed in and around Amadiya in particular.

Taking advantage of the silence of Baghdad and Erbil, Turkish forces set up checkpoints and started performing identity checks in Duhok, while forcibly evacuating many villages.

In a statement on 3 July, the KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Foreign Relations Committee reported that the Turkish state is deploying ISIS mercenaries into the areas it seeks to occupy in southern Kurdistan, in addition to the village guards and Roj mercenaries.

“The international public should be aware of this as well; these ISIS gangs, who are currently fighting the Kurdistan freedom guerrillas, are poised to be a plague on humanity; like a ticking bomb, they will cause great harm. A solid reaction must be mounted against the Turkish state’s invasion of Iraq and southern Kurdistan and the deployment of these fascist ISIS gangs,” KCK said.