Turkish brutality in Afrin: Civilian crushed by military vehicle

While a civilian was brutally crushed by a military vehicle in Afrin, which is under Turkish occupation, another was kidnapped.

The Afrin Human Rights Organization revealed that Turkish soldiers crushed a civilian, İdris Hesen, in the district of Jindires on October 9. It is reported that Hesen's arm and leg have been broken.

The Human Rights Organization informed that after a short stay in hospital in the district, his treatment continues at home.

It was further stated that the Faylaq al-Sham gangs affiliated with the invading Turkish army kidnapped a civilian, Halil Picalê, from his home in Jindires district center on 10th of October. The fate of the kidnapped civilian is unknown.

The Turkish state systematically commits war and crimes against humanity in the areas it has occupied in Northern and Eastern Syria. Civilians are mostly kidnapped for ransom. Thousands of people have been kidnapped in this way in recent years, tortured, some brutally executed, and whereabouts of some is still unknown.