YPJ fighter Nişa: President Öcalan showed us we are not alone

YPJ fighter Nişa Yiğit Botan married when she was 19 and has one daughter. Her husband joined the YPG and fell martyr during the war to defend Afrin. She joined the YPJ and vowed they will liberate Afrin.

There are many fighters like YPJ fighter Nişa Yiğit Botan in the Rojava Revolution.

The moment came when fathers and sons fought together on the same fronts. The moment came when mothers and daughters took up arms to protect their land. And they continue to do so, through the HPC (Hêzên Parastina Cewherî) in Rojava.

In many places, sons, sisters, cousins, in short, everyone from the nuclear to the extended family, take place in the HPC, SDF, YPG and YPJ.

YPJ fighter Nişa Yiğit Botan is one of these people. She got married at the age of 19 and has a daughter. She joins her husband in the YPG during the war in Afrin. Her husband has fallen martyr in that month-long war.

Nişa joined the YPJ ranks also to avenge her fellow comrades who fell martyrs in the honourable resistance and freedom war.

Nişa Yiğit Botan said this about the process of joining the YPJ: "In the society, women are raised only to study, get married and have children. The family and the state have a lot of influence on the fate of women. I was married as a result of these pressures on me. The war started in Afrin in the first year of my marriage. My husband joined the war and fell martyr in the first month.”

Botan continued: “I was very impressed by the martyrdom of my husband and many other friends. Although the families were patriotic, many did not want the participation of women in the war, especially the married ones. I was determined and said I should join the YPJ, raise my husband's gun and take revenge. When I joined the YPJ it was hard at the beginning, it was hard, I have a daughter, this can be an obstacle. But as I got to know the YPJ women's, my determination grew and I became stronger and self-confident. I said I should fight for my country and our martyrs. If a person has goals, nothing is an obstacle."

Botan is Syriac and she said she didn’t know the party. "Because the Syriacs were always left alone. – she said - We would see ourselves neither Arab nor Kurds.”

Botan added: “When we got to know the philosophy and ideology of Leader Apo, we realized that we were not alone. As a Syriac woman and mother, I understood that my participation in the YPJ is for all the oppressed peoples and for the brotherhood of the peoples. The perspective of Leader Apo is also on this basis. Women are leading in every field. Our goal to liberate Afrin. I will fight for the people to live together again and return to their lands."