School turned into prison and torture centre in Afrin

Horror and death doesn’t stop in occupied Afrin.

Afrin continued to live under terror after the illegal occupation by the Turkish state and its mercenary allies. Those groups keep carrying out every kind of violence, from plundering to abducting citizens and extortion.

The people who stayed in the city are subjected to the worst of violence, while many public institutions have been turned into prisons and torture centres. Such as the case of a school in the village of Hakja, which belongs to the Shiye district. The school has been turned into a prison to keep the Afrin citizens abducted by the gangs.

Sources in the region told ANHA that scores of Afrin citizens who had been abducted were taken here. Some are said to have surrendered to Turkish troops after being held for some time in the village prison but no information was available on their whereabouts and conditions.

The mercenaries turned a house in the village of Merwaniyê into an intelligence centre. It is understood that the house belongs to a man named locally as Hesen Darmeci and known to be an informer.

Sources in the region also said that the Turkish soldiers and their mercenary allies are monitoring any movement by people from the control point they built just beside the water deposit in the village of Hakja. It is understood that the border villages of Hakja, Marwaniya, Sinara and Anqala are under a lot of pressure.

It has been confirmed that the Turkish state has settled some of the gangs and their families they had brought from East Ghouta in the village of Anqala.

Sources also confirmed that Faylaq Al-Sham group set up a military base in the border village of Dêr Belût.