19th Zilan Women's Festival held in London

Hundreds of people participated in the 19th Zilan Women's Festival in Britain and vowed that "We will liberate Leader Öcalan in the footsteps of Bêrîtan and Zîlan."

 Britain Jiyan Women's Assembly organised the 19th Zilan Women's Festival at London Kurdish Community Center (KCC) this year. The festival, which started with a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs of the Kurdistan freedom struggle, was organised this year with the slogan "We march to women's revolution with Jin Jiyan Azadî". Hundreds of people attended the festival, including members of Gik-Der and the Socialist Women's Union (SKB).

After the minute of silence, Türkan Budak made a speech on behalf of the Jiyan Women's Assembly and said that Kurdish women gave the necessary response against the male-dominated mentality, capitalist modernity and fascist invaders with their courage, hearts and ideology.

Stating that they will raise the struggle in the spirit of the Zîlan (female guerrilla fighter Zeynep Kınacı who blew herself up in a military parade in Dersim on 30 June 1996), Budak said, "The glorious revolutionary struggle of the likes of Bêrîtan and Zîlan has enabled the women's freedom struggle to reach millions in the whole Middle East today and a women's revolution has been realised in Rojava. Once again, we offer our endless gratitude and respect to all our martyrs in the person of Martyr Zîlan. We reiterate our promise to liberate Leader Öcalan in the footsteps of Bêrîtans and Zîlans."

In a speech made on behalf of the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe, it was said that "Comrade Zîlan's historic action shows that the way to freedom is the leader". A call was made for strong participation in the international campaign for the freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and a political solution to the Kurdish question that was launched globally in October last year.

The speeches were followed by a poetry recital and a fashion show, and performances by singers Zeyno, Jale and Kewe.