On Thursday 4th of August, an action was carried out in the streets of Bologna, Italy, to commemorate the fallen YPJ and YAT fighters Jiyan Tolhildan, Roj Xabûr and Barîn Botan, killed by a Turkish drone on the 22nd of July.
The group of feminists in Bologna said they condemned this brutal attack by the Turkish state and saw it as another threat to the revolutionary women’s fight in Kurdistan: “These women protected in their constant struggle the people from the terrors of ISIS and defended the feminist revolution of Rojava. It shows again that, especially women who were and are crucial to the Revolution in Rojava get targeted. No one should silently stand by while Turkey - with the help of NATO - is fighting this brutal, patriarchal war.”
The group further said, “The assassination of Sehid Jiyan, Sehid Roj and Sehid Barîn is not only another attack against the Kurdish freedom movement and against the autonomy of North-East Syria, but also an attack against feminist struggles all around the world. As “Women Defend Rojava” stated, an attack on one, is an attack on all!”
In remembering Şehîd Jiyan, Şehîd Roj and Şehîd Barîn through painting their names on a wall in the city center of Bologna, the group also promised to keep up their struggle of women’s liberation and expressed their deepest solidarity with the Kurdish freedom movement.