Kongra Star member Evîn Başo: Unity is important to defeat violence against women

Hesekê Canton Kongra Star Coordination member Evîn Başo said that the “No to women genocide” campaign is important to ensure women's unity in the world, and added that violence against women is a global problem.

Women's organizations and activists announced on 10 May the launch of an initiative called "We will build a life for ourselves, enough with women genocide ". The aim of the campaign is to increase the struggle against the crimes and killings carried out against women.

Evîn Başo, Member of Hesekê Canton Kongra and Star Coordination, talked to ANHA about the campaign and drew attention to the importance of unity and solidarity against violence and genocide.

Stating that women in Northern and Eastern Syria adopted this campaign against the masculine mentality at the base of the killings of women, Evîn Başo emphasized that this mentality ignores women who represent half of the society.

Evîn Başo said that all genocide attempts against women are aimed at distancing women from the governance of society. “Women have organized to reach social awareness, raise their voices and gain their legitimate rights. They will continue to organize until they achieve their goals. Women in Northern and Eastern Syria once again demonstrated their determination that women will rule a society based on revolution, free, democratic and gender equality.”

Noting that the work of women in Northern and Eastern Syria is the product of the resistance of thousands of women, Evîn Başo added that this work will be successful if the unity of the women of the world is achieved.

Başo said that violence against women is a global problem and added that the aim of this campaign is to develop awareness in women and to eliminate all kinds of violence against women.