Kongreya Star members joined meeting in London

Women politicians and academics met at the ICA (Institue of Contemporary Arts) in London.  

Indian journalist and writer Rahila Gupta and Kongreya Star member, Ruha Shexo joined the meeting via Skype. 

The aunt of internationalist YPJ fighter, Helin Qereçox (Anna Campbell) also joined the meeting together with the families of others international fighters. 

The meeting was organised as part of In formation III and centred on sharing individual and collective experiences of the struggle, and opening up an exchange between publics in London and key actors in Rojava about the unfolding revolution and the practice of autonomous democracy.

After the introduction live video conversations with Evin Swed, spokeswoman of Rojava’s Kongra Star, the confederation of women’s organisations; Asmin Roni, member of the YPJ self-defence force; and Hevidar Abdullah, manager at the women’s communal cooperative in Rojava took place. 

In the midst of the war in Syria, women are rebuilding their lives in Rojava. The experience gained in building democratic autonomy, basic organization in women's communes, women's cooperatives and women's councils has given them the courage and confidence to take new steps.